Project Overview
When competition increases, you need to look for innovation. In the Ecommerce domain, engaging customers and increasing the sales has taken a new turn with the concept of ‘Live Ecommerce’ – A concept which allows the seller to stream online and showcase the products as well as answer the queries of the users who have joined the video streaming. We developed a Multi-Vendor Ecommerce platform with the Live Ecommerce concept integration. Have a quick look
Buyer Interface
Buyer Interface

Key Features
Sign up and login
The user will be able to Sign up and login via Email, Google account and Facebook account.

Search Users
and Follow
The Buyer will be able to search user by entering a keyword, view their profile, follow / unfollow them.
The view will also be able to view the list of Followers and followings in his/her dashboard.
View Store
View Profile

Search products, Add to cart and Buy
The Buyer will be able to search product by keyword, by categories and subcategories or view posts by the users of the site or go through products listed in ‘Shop’ of the seller.
The Buyer can add product to the cart from the product detail screen or from Live streaming.
After adding product/s to the cart, the Buyer will be able to checkout
The Buyer can make payment via wallet money and/or via credit / debit card.

Live Streaming
The Buyer (logged in users) can broadcast the Live Video Stream to market their products. Also, they can view the streaming done by other
The Buyer can add product to the cart from the live streaming.
The Viewers can join the broadcast where they can send the comments, Emojis, Stickers and Gifts.

Similar to any other Social Networking Application, this site also provides a social networking feature where user can upload text, photos & videos in the newsfeed which their followers can view.
The followers can Like, Love, Comment and Share the posted feed.

Refer and Referral types
There are four type of Referrals:
Team Leader(MIP)
The app provided two functionalities – ‘Become a seller’ and ‘Upgrade user role’.
If user requests to become a seller and admin approves, then user can add their products and sell the same by using seller panel.
Buyers can upgrade their role to get commission as a referral. Except the buyer, any user can share the app and create a downline user and if that downline user buys any product then the above user will get commission based on their user type.

Wallet – The user could add or withdraw amount in their wallet via Senang Pay Payment gateway.
Buying Diamonds – It is an in-app purchase feature where the Diamond balance can be used by the Buyer to gift to the user who tries to sell a product or goes live in any categories.
Seller Interface
Seller Interface

Key Features
The Buyers who want to sell can access this web panel only after admin approves their request of ‘Becoming a Seller’

This displays the records of the number of Orders, Products and Customers.
She/he can also view the Total revenue earned till date
Latest orders and its status

Manage products
On selecting Manage Products, the sellers have the options to Add Products, My Product List and Assigned Products. By clicking on it, the seller will be redirected to the respective screens

Manage Customers
The admin will be able to view the Customers and their number of orders

Streaming History
View the Streaming History with its details such as its title, category, number of Viewers and more…

Statement of transaction
Seller will also be able to view Statement of transaction for earned and withdrawal amount
Technologies we used
Technologies we used
Senang Pay(Payment gateway)
Wowza (Streaming Server)
Apart from commission sharing (backend part) and app referral, Live streaming was a major challenge for us as the load on the server increases with multiple users streaming at a time. With the continuous effort of our team we came up with a solution to successfully optimize the server space. Hence, delivered a successful project.